by Adam Shapiro | Nov 2, 2016 | Closing, Presenting, Sales Leader, Sales Messaging, Sales Process, Today's Lessons
Only 54.6 percent of sales professionals produce enough revenue to meet quota according to CSO Insights 2015 Sales Compensation and Performance Management Study. And, it’s the rare prospect that actually wants to hear from a sales rep. What’s a senior executive...
by Adam Shapiro | Oct 14, 2016 | Networking, Sales Management, Sales Process, Today's Lessons
I recently attended a Vistage presentation given by John R. Patterson entitled, “Creating An Extraordinary Customer Experience that drives Loyalty and Growth.” Patterson artfully related how the best brands recognize that great customer experience drives greater...
by Adam Shapiro | Oct 5, 2016 | Networking, Qualifying, Sales Messaging, Sales Process, Today's Lessons
You may be thinking I am about to go off on an existential rant about authenticity, our place in the universe, or possibly a lecture on the appropriateness of a paleo diet. Nah, let’s save those for a get together over coffee or other notes. Today, I’m sticking to an...
by Adam Shapiro | Sep 15, 2016 | Careers, Sales Leader, Today's Lessons
Carly*, a millennial sales executive in one of my workshops came back on day two beaming with pride. She had implemented the “Empathy” skill we worked on the day before, but not in a business setting; rather in her personal life. Here’s what happened: Carly’s...
by Adam Shapiro | Sep 1, 2016 | Sales Process
I’m Back! Let me explain…(an open letter) I’ve had some changes this year. I’m writing today to explain why and give you an update. Early this year, I had just recovered from very successful back surgery and thought it a great time for a re-invention. So, I joined an...
by Adam Shapiro | Jan 27, 2016 | Sales Process
I’m a guest blogger, too! Check out SalesReformSchool “on the road” by reading Uncool Sales Practices: Don’t Be a “Cart-Firster” — my first post on the KiteDesk blog at
by Adam Shapiro | Jan 7, 2016 | Qualifying, Sales Messaging, Sales Process, Tools
Sean Burke, CEO of my client KiteDesk, wrote this blog post – about our work together. If you sell to other businesses and need new customers, get to know Kitedesk and tell them I sent you.
by Adam Shapiro | Nov 10, 2015 | Sales Messaging, Today's Lessons
Do you give good phone? Today, I called a stranger to buy football tickets. I had found the nice lady on the other end of the phone through her craigslist “for sale” posting. She had suggested in her listing that interested buyers text her to check...
by Adam Shapiro | Sep 3, 2015 | Sales Process
I have been a member of a Vistage Trusted Advisor group for four years. For me, the best benefit of Vistage is not the valuable business contacts, but rather the opportunity that paying attention to the speakers gives me for real growth and improvement. I don’t have...
by Adam Shapiro | Jul 28, 2015 | Sales Process
I recently gave this “101 level” sales process presentation to the executive team at a small B2B technology company who wanted a launching off point for their sales culture. Immediately, they saw how sales process improves on-boarding, forecasting,...