by Adam Shapiro | Apr 12, 2010 | Prospecting, Sales Messaging, Today's Lessons
Are you using your success stories and plausible emergencies to build emotional connections in with your prospects and referral partners? On the Blog Presentation Zen, Garr Reynolds relates, “When it comes to learning and genuinely retaining something, nothing...
by Adam Shapiro | Jan 14, 2010 | Champion, Qualifying, Sales Management, Sales Messaging, Sales Process, Tools
Or "What to do about those prospects who seem to be ignoring you."Maybe you saw this Seinfeld episode as a first run on NBC or a re-run on TBS - Hysterical, right? Sure. But. George's "thing" is also a great conversation starter...
by Adam Shapiro | Dec 15, 2009 | Sales Leader, Sales Management, Sales Process
Mid-December usually means one thing to my clients – Negotiating Season. I can't tell you how many times I hear from clients who have followed a Customercentric sales process, listened, documented and followed their customer's buying process,...
by Adam Shapiro | Sep 29, 2009 | Sales Messaging, Today's Lessons
You may have heard that here in the Atlanta area many are suffering through repairing their homes after torrential rains and flooding – the worst EVER for our area. Understanding that cleanup and waterproofing contractors are likely the same folks who are...
by Adam Shapiro | Sep 3, 2009 | Presenting, Sales Management
A year after helping a client of mine with their sales process implementation, the Sales Operations Manager (SOM) asked me to spend a half day facilitating a review and refresh of the sales process with the sales team. Our agenda at the request of the SOM was the...