by Adam Shapiro | Jan 31, 2013 | Sales Process
Everyone wants a shorter sales cycle, yet too many sellers find themselves stuck in time pot holes or getting lost in a confusing route. Isn’t it time to steer sales communications – yes, oral and written – around those road blocks and steer sales...
by Adam Shapiro | Jun 14, 2012 | Careers, Sales Leader, Sales Management
One of the drudgeries of sales management is combing through resumes looking for that “Aha Moment.” Through real or virtual stacks of Curriculum Vitae, sales managers wait and hope for at least one spark to jump out as the reason to contact the applicant and start the...
by Adam Shapiro | Feb 16, 2012 | Champion, Prospecting, Sales Messaging, Sales Process, Today's Lessons, Tools
I am often asked, “So, what are your sales conversations like?” My response is that I ask questions and share successes around two related themes: 1) How are you doing with getting new hires, new partners, new investors, etc. on-board with your sales process and how...
by Adam Shapiro | Dec 8, 2011 | Marketing, Sales Leader, Sales Management, Sales Messaging, Sales Process
My friend and colleague, Jon Gatrell of Pragmatic Marketing interviewed me for a recent newsletter article on sales and marketing alignment. Enjoy it here.
by Adam Shapiro | Nov 14, 2011 | Careers, Marketing, Prospecting, Sales Management, Sales Messaging, Tools
Carmine Gallo writing in Entrepreneur magazine last month offered up his seven principles that drove Steve Jobs success. Gallo suggests that “any of us can adopt them to unleash our ‘inner Steve Jobs.'” So, to unleash your “Jobs-siness”...