by Adam Shapiro | Jun 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
See Part 1 here.Working with the curious, it helps to nurture, not push.Next up, John Holland – co-author of the CustomerCentric Selling book, methodology, and coursework – did a great job as usual putting into perspective what is happening today between...
by Adam Shapiro | Jun 26, 2009 | Marketing, Sales Management
I spent the early part of this week going back to school myself: At the CustomerCentric Selling® partners retreat. Lots of pearls of wisdom and enlightenment. This is Part I. First off was an impressive keynote address from Greg Alexander, CEO of...
by Adam Shapiro | Jun 16, 2009 | Tools
Steve Youngblood and I worked together years ago. He posts a nice short primer on Social Networking tools for business here. Steve summarizes Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogging.
by Adam Shapiro | Jun 8, 2009 | Sales Messaging
Michael Bosworth, Co-founder & Co-author of CustomerCentric Selling®, comments here on how integrated sales and marketing teams increase sales.
by Adam Shapiro | Jun 1, 2009 | Sales Management, Sales Messaging, Sales Process